Tuesday, July 3, 2012

New Listings in the Shoppe!

I've finally added some new listings, as promised! Don't worry, I know there are only a few things currently, but in the next few days there will be more! Here are some pics and small descriptions of some of the listings, most especially the line I'm most proud of; my Witch's Brew fizzing bath salts!

This is one of my Witch's Brews! It is called Love Spell. The fragrance I scented it with is just amazing! It seems to change scent with each smell you take of it! Very feminine and refreshing! Now why do I call it Witch's Brew? The bath salts FIZZ! I made one batch by complete mistake and when I tested a little bit in a glass to see how it acted I saw it fizz like a brew in a witch's cauldron and thought, "Holy blue Moon! That is super cool!" And that is how the Witch's Brew line was created! But the best stuff is usually created by accident right?

These are my lavender fizzies. My gram used to make amazing bath products, and this was one of her signature things. You will recognize these as bath bombs, and that is really what they are, but here at my home we are so used to calling them fizzies I just couldn't imagine not calling them that in the shoppe! The top picture shows the almost true color of the fizzies, although I'm sure the computer monitor will change the image. These have to be seen to be appreciated! They were made in mini muffin tins and I package them 6 to a pack. These are some of my pride and joy! 

These are lavender and rose bath salts, respectively. These were made with epsom salts, a little bit of moisturizing oil, and scent. I think they are packaged beautifully! 

These are my limited edition super tins of lip balm. The first one is lavender mint, the second picture shows the tin inside of a 1/2 cup measuring cup so you can see just how big these tins really are! The third image was taken so I could add it to the choose your own flavor listing.

So things are coming along nicely! Tomorrow I will have some rose fizzies, and much more! 

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